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Bekannte Bugs

Segfault bei Debian Squeeze 64bit wenn Großbuchstaben im Pfad vorhanden sind
If the full path leading up to where srcds is located is all in lower case then I have no problems. If there is a folder in the way that has a capital in then it fails. For example srcds run from /home/users/upper1case27215/server/server/csgo works fine, but /home/users/Upper1Case27215/server/server/csgo does not - giving me the same error and segmentation fault as the others here. I am running srcds as follows: ./srcds_linux -console -game csgo -port 27215 -usercon +map de_dust2_se +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +maxplayers 12
bash: ./srcds_run: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory on Linux
Verwende das Tool dos2unix
Alternativ kann auch die srcds_linux direkt verwendet werden.
sv_consistency reports models as not allowed
Einfach sv_consistency auf 0 setzen
round_end lag
Most noticeable when the round_end is triggered by all players dead Apparently setting srcds to run on just 1 core fixes this problem, however this is unconfirmed since I have the same problem on a single core. I quote: I just tested this over and over again , and came to the result that affinity affects csgo server ( I have also windows 2008 R2 , my virtual machine). With affinity enabled to one of the 4 cores , I didn't notice any round end lag , compared to when It was before , with all cores enabled.
mp_autoteambalance 0
If you start a server with mp_autoteambalance 0, bots will not join and you will get an error that says the game is full when you try to add them. Also only 1 person can join per team. If a 3rd player trys to join a team they get a team is full message for both teams when trying to join. Just started after the May 21st update.
Hidden cvars
Some cvars are hidden when they shouldnt be:
Arms Race Kill Values
I changed all of my weapon progression values from 1 to 2 and it caused players to not be able to join the game including bots. Only 1 bot could join, when I tried adding more it said that the server was full. Bot mode was on full. After changing it back to one, everything worked.
csgo_beta/known_bugs.1338744669.txt.bz2 · Zuletzt geändert: 2012/06/03 19:31 von DeaD_EyE